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KERC Releases Annual White Paper

The Kyushu Economic Research Council (KERC) has released its white paper for fiscal 2015. According to the report, suburbanization has reached a turning point given the declining overall population, and large cities need to invest in making their city centers into growth areas. This is the 8th time, and the first in nine years, that the KERC White Paper has focused on urban development issues. The White Paper classified all 131 cities in the Kyushu region (including Yamaguchi and Okinawa Prefectures) based on their rates of population change. It concluded that “regardless of whether population has been increasing or decreasing, cities with compact central areas perform better.” A few key points from the White paper are as follows:

• 77.1% of the cities surveyed lost population between 2005 and 2010;

• Although Fukuoka is fast becoming the fourth largest city in Japan, the prefectural capitals of Kyushu are also experiencing a concentration of population in their city centers, so Fukuoka’s regional presence has not improved.

• Even those cities that are losing population have growth areas; they should promote private investment and bolster public services to attract more people to the city centers.

Source: Nishinippon Shimbun 2/25


Published: Mar 1, 2015 / Last Updated: Apr 1, 2016

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